Guilt is a behavior in people that obsess about small details that leave them devastated

bad guilt is when we inappropriately take responsibility for situations and other people's feelings or over-estimating our impact on others

Guilt Defined

We see guilt behavior in people that obsess about some small interaction that leaves them devastated, bereft, and inconsolable. It makes no sense to you, and their response is totally out of proportion to the situation and their power to influence it.

This is often tied to mental illness or a history of mangled family boundaries that left them with no sense of what is about them and what is not about them.

This behavior destroys relationships and leaves people rejected, abandoned, and alone.

Seven Steps to Powerful Boundaries can undoubtedly help with the good guilt. Unless there is significant mental illness, it can significantly help people with bad guilt.

Guilt can be avoided - learn how to navigate this challenging obstacle in our seven step workshop and take back control of your life!

  • “In its true sense, guilt is a feeling of remorse or sadness over a past action, experienced when we think we’ve caused harm or breached our moral code. It’s our moral compass. Our values and how we process our emotions will all inform the way we react to certain situations. So while one person might catastrophize about a situation, another may not think twice about it.”

    Dr. Mark Windwood