Daily Routines and Rituals, Benefits and Examples
It is easy to get lost in the next to-do on our list or just struggling through the day in our ever-increasing fast-paced world. Each day can feel like a marathon, and as we tire, it can feel endless, overwhelming, and pointless.
Photo by K. Subiyanto from Pexels
I believe it is helpful for most and essential for some to create a structure for their day by creating daily routines. It sets the pace and gives a sense of movement, even when overwhelmed.
Starting each day by making your bed seems like a waste of time. You will just get back into it in 12-18 hours and mess it up; how can that be useful?
It creates structure.
It puts a bit of order in your world.
And it is also an accomplishment. You can cross that to-do item off your list and move on to the next thing. It is simple and quick, and it can surprisingly make you feel better with little effort.
It’s important to understand the difference between routines and rituals. Routines are tasks that are performed as a result of habit or necessity, e.i. taking a shower, eating breakfast, preparing your clothes for the next day, etc… Whereas rituals are tasks performed with a sense of purpose or meaning behind them; e.i. taking a hot bath to unwind and relax before bed, or drinking a cup of coffee in the morning to wake you up and begin your day.
Morning Ritual
I begin each day with a morning meditation.
You may be thinking “who has time to sit quietly, clear your mind, and be open to the universe? What if the universe is not talking to you today?”
There are many kinds of meditation. Mindfulness is probably the best known, but not one that I would recommend for beginners. Starting with mindfulness is like asking someone to do a perfect dive off the cliff, timing the waves so you don't go straight into the sand. It is better to talk to the universe and see if anyone is listening. The universe is talking to us all the time, and if we don’t have the tools to listen, then starting a dialogue is the best starting place.
I use prayer and meditation synonymously. When I meditate, it is a bit of both. It allows me to open my spiritual connection to the universe and gives a framework for me to be grateful, acknowledge my needs, and listen for answers.
Having this morning meditation/prayer ritual does a few things that are beneficial:
It creates a structure and frame for the rest of my day.
I set intentions and make requests. If I don't ask, I can't receive. Plus, by making requests, I can see what is being heard and addressed as I progress through your day.
The original intention of prayer is gratefulness and appreciation. When I express gratitude, it is one of the most profound moments of the day as I connect to the Universe.
The connection reminds me that I am not alone.
Evening Ritual
I also have an end-of-the-day ritual; a daily review and meditation.
This is an opportunity for more gratefulness and appreciation as I reflect on the day.
It allows me to clear out the day's refuse as I go peacefully into the night.
It makes for a better night's rest and leaves me feeling fresher and more able to face the challenges of a new day.
Whatever routines and rituals you do each day you can only benefit from having them in your schedule. The result is an easier, more empowered and conscious life.
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