How using my boundaries stopped a catastrophe

Recently I let a friend stay with me for a few days. They had nowhere to go as a result of a divorce and losing his job. After a few days of him moping around the house I asked him if he had started looking for a new place and a new job yet. He started to give me a sad story about how he's not qualified for some jobs and that he only has a bike to get around. Immediately I put up my boundaries. I guess some would say it was tough love but I myself know how incredibly compassionate I can be. I pulled up a page of jobs hiring within a 5-mile radius, given the number of a public aid office that would Supply him with rides to and from work as well as new clothing off for free and then I gave him a deadline to find a job or he would have to leave and find somewhere else to stay. He did not go looking for a job and I did end up having to ask him to leave.

Instead of allowing myself to be pushed around and allow him to stay with me, I used my boundaries, this made me Stand My Ground but remain compassionate. He was angry at first but after a short while he forgave me even though he's living on the streets. I myself experienced very little guilt and no regret the decision I've made. This is because I used my energetic boundaries, I did not let his situation and his emotions affect mine. I using my boundaries I did not let him invade or merge with me nor did I allow him to puncture my boundaries. So even though I am sympathetic to his situation he is in control of his life and so am I. Where I would have let him move in with me and my life would have been horrible as a result, I used these boundaries and I still remain friends with him.

Rick Crossley1 Comment